Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Library Technologies Interest Group Meeting

NEFLIN's Techies got together on Monday for their quarterly meeting. Jae Bass of St. Johns County Public Library sent me a recap, which I edited a bit (Thanks Jae!).

These meetings are open to any NEFLIN member. Monitor the group's Wiki for information about their next meeting.

We discussed thin client technology in libraries (no one is currently using it but there is some interest).

I talked about the Internet Librarian Conference and the continuing push towards integrating Social Software in libraries and that led to some discussion of Myspace use in libraries, including justification and policies since some libraries block Myspace.

Michael Kucsak talked about developing a user survey (he is doing one at UNF) to determine what services users would like in their libraries – I asked if he would share the survey with the group.

We had talked at our first meeting about perhaps trying to develop some universal (at least for Florida) website standards for things like terminology, logo & placement of the Online Library Catalog & Databases, etc…more philosophical discussion occurred yesterday about possible ups & downs of pursuing that.

There was discussion of how important Remote services are & how we should best market those – ie – carve out a “virtual” or e-services section off the website, promote through social software sites such as Myspace, etc.

We also talked about checking out laptops in libraries and I talked about policies & procedures for this at SJCPLS.

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