Tuesday, December 7, 2010

MARC 21 in Your Library: Live Online

This 3-session online course is an introduction to MARC21 and how it is meant to work in a library automation system. It explains what the MARC standards are and how those standards tie in with our cataloging rules (AACR) to help catalogers create data that will function effectively in a library catalog.

There are two components to this course. Part One is a series of 9 free self paced webinars that cover the underlying fundamentals of MARC and bibliographic information. You should complete the Part One webinars before starting the live online Part Two which covers the core codes that are most commonly found in MARC records, and their functions.

Part One: MARC and Bibliographic Information: The Underlying Fundamentals: Prerequisite before attending Part Two. Click here to access the webinars: http://www.marcofquality.com/webinars/webm21.html

Part Two: MARC Coding: The Core Codes and Their Functions: Meets online over three days (see dates below). You must attend all three sessions.

Learning Objectives:
  • Explain and illustrate correct MARC coding for:
    • Indexed fields (used for searching in a catalog to find a description of a resource)
    • Display fields (used for choosing between resources found in a catalog)
    • Coded fields (used by the catalog to customize searches and displays)
    • Number fields (used for searching in a catalog and for duplicate record detection)
  • Provide practice in reading MARC records
At the conclusion of this course, you should be able to read a MARC record, talk MARC, understand how errors in MARC coding affect a library catalog, and correctly explain the following, and many other, mysteries of the catalog:
  • why can I find this book in the catalog if I search its author but cannot find it when I search its title?
  • why does the catalog say we only have six books in Spanish, when just looking at the shelves I can see hundreds of them?
  • why do so many descriptions of videos show up in the catalog with a little book icon instead of a video icon?
Who should attend: Directors, reference and acquisitions staff, copy, beginning and experienced catalogers.

Three classes to choose from:
Note: These registrations are for NEFLIN Members only. All others, register at OCLC Training Portal

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