Friday, May 28, 2010
NEFLIN's Summer Schedule is HOT!

Free Library Webinars: June Update
On our sister blog, Library Webinars, we have just put up the monthly list of live webinars.
We have found numerous webinars in June that can assist with your professional development. Here are some randomly selected topics:
- Cataloging More Icky Things
- Christian Fiction Book Buzz
- Creating Inviting, Low Cost, Teen Spaces
- Effectively Planned Web-based Presentations
- Leaders: Avoid These Fatal Flaws
- Re-Tooling Front Line Staff with E-Government Resources
- Successful Event Promotion with Social Media
- YA Classics
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
NEFLIN Library Awards
NEFLIN has two library awards that will be presented at the NEFLIN Annual Meeting on Friday, September 17, 2010. Nominations are now being sought for:
1. Library Champion Award. This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated exceptional support for a NEFLIN library.
2. Innovation Award. This award recognizes an innovative program or service that has demonstrated impact on the community a NEFLIN library serves.
Nominations may be made by any staff member in a NEFLIN library.
The deadline for nominations is June 30, 2010.
Nomination Forms
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Training Showcase at ALA Conference - Participate!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Quick Reference Guides
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Winning the Budget Wars

Will Manley has some interesting observations on libraries and their budget battles.
I've always appreciated Will's wit and common sense approach.
Let a Smile be Your Secret Weapon
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Leadership Institute Application Deadline Approaches
The deadline for applications is a postmark date of June 1.
Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute: Year 7
The Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute prepares individuals to lead libraries today and into the future. If you are a dynamic, creative, and achievement oriented individual who is interested in increasing and improving your library leadership knowledge and skills, apply today.
Beginning in 2010, the Institute will be a blended learning experience that includes:
• 3 online classes
• 7 face-to-face faculty-led classes (Ft. Lauderdale or Ocala)
• Online resources including a wiki and webinars
• Self-selected, goal-based mentoring partnerships
• Live and online performance and learning support
Schedule of online and faculty led classes
Applications online at http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/bld/leadership
Applications accepted from March 15, 2010 – June 1, 2010
Notification of Acceptance – August 1, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Introduction to WorldCat Resource Sharing
- Borrower and Lender Basics
- Constant Data Records
- Request Manager
- Custom Holdings
- ILL Policies
- Pricing
New Vendors added to Discount Program
NEFLIN has just updated many of the vendor discounts it has negotiated on your behalf.
Plus, eight new vendors have been added, bringing the total to over 50.
Go to www.neflin.org/discounts to view the offers and let us know what other vendors we should contact.
New Vendors:
- eBrary
- Gale Cengage
- Gareth Stevens Publishing
- Optimal Resume
- Relais International ILL
- Rosen Publishing
- R.T. Barbee
- Wolper Subscription Services
Friday, May 7, 2010
Bilingual Storytimes - NEFLIN workshop in Gainesville
Mobile Link Love
I hadn't planned it, but the main links this week all regard mobile tech, thus the title of this post.
OCLC is hosting a free online symposium later this month. The Future is Mobile, Is Your Library Ready? Thursday, May 20, 1:00pm-4:00pm.

So I'm reading TV Guide this week (Yes, I know TV Guide. 15 million of us still read it weekly, thank you.) And there are a number of "mobile tags" in the issue (see above). I was intrigued.
I did some investigating and learned a little about how these tags work. The diagram below from the wikipedia is a good illustration.

Using your smart phone or Blackberry you can take a picture of a "tag" in a magazine or other print source and the tag is decoded by your phone and then takes you to a website with more information.
Some libraries have already adopted these tags (e.g., QR Codes) in the stacks or catalog. A few examples.
Google is looking to compete with Amazon and Apple by opening their Google Editions (E-Bookstore) this summer. This would be a separate program from the scanned collection in Google Books.
"The e-books would exist in a 'cloud library', which could be accessed from potentially any device, including laptops, smart phones or e-readers."

I love genealogists, but now they want my DNA? Just kidding, Arnold. I had no idea that genealogy folks were into this. Check out this program at the Clay County Public Library tomorrow if you are interested in learning more.
Those who know of my TiVo addiction must realize that May is a wild month with most TV series winding down to their season, or series, finales.
I am going to miss both Lost (6 year run) and 24 (8 year run).
Oh well, I will just have to move on and just enjoy the other quality TV programs and movies that TiVo provides me with each week!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
AAL Workshop at NEFLIN
Attention, NEFLIN members!
Space is still available in the full-day Ask a Librarian workshop at NEFLIN on Thursday, May 27th. Join us for a hands-on introduction to virtual reference and the software used on Ask a Librarian, Florida’s virtual reference service.
Following this workshop, you will be able to:
- Understand how to use the Instant Service software.
- Develop a comfort level with providing virtual reference assistance to statewide users.
- Be able to identify the basics of a good virtual reference transaction and how to increase your success in helping your user.
- Understand the collaborative nature of the service and learn about the electronic resources that help you help users.
Previously-trained staff who wish to increase their skill and/or comfort levels on Ask a Librarian are always highly encouraged to attend!
If you have any questions, please email Traci Avet, Virtual Reference Coordinator, at avett@tblc.org.
WebJunction Florida Now Available
The State Library and Archives of Florida is proud to announce WebJunction Florida. This Web site provides Florida library staff access to free, self-paced online courses.
Course topics include:
- Application Software
- Customer Service and Interpersonal Skills
- Library Management
- Library Services
- Networking and Security
- Organizational Management
- Personnel Management
- Technology
- · Web Design and Development
The complete list of courses and details on how to register for this new service can be found at WebJunction Florida. Please note that your registration must be approved before the list of courses becomes visible.
For more information, contact Stephanie Race at 850.245.6630.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Brad Ward elected to ASCLA

Brad has been active in ASCLA for many years. This is the division of ALA that includes library cooperatives such as NEFLIN. His two year term will begin with the Annual Conference this summer in Washington D.C.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Multimedia Library Updated
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