Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Babypalooza at the Fire Station

The Ward family had a wonderful time celebrating two birthdays this past weekend. Since both of my children have the same birthday (one year apart), we had what I referred to as “Babypalooza”. The Clay County Fire Department hosted our birthday party (at no charge) and did a great job. We had a tour of the local fire station, inside and out.

The two firemen who were on duty pulled a fire truck out into the parking lot and let us climb all over it. We got to ring the bell, turn on the siren, and play with Smokey the Firehouse Dog! Inside the fire station we saw where the guys work, play, and sleep.

Outside we banged around a fire truck piƱata full of candy, played on the adjacent playground, and just had a great time.

Enjoy some photos on NEFLIN’s Flickr page

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