Friday, May 16, 2008

Quit Paying for Survey Monkey

Take advantage of an enhancement to one of our favorite member services - TouchPoll Web.

Have you always wanted to survey all of your registered borrowers but couldn't afford the cost on Survey Monkey? Do you want to blast a survey out to all the students to learn what they think of the library but your administration says "no way, we can't afford it"?

An elementary school uses it for Sunshine State Reader voting. NEFLIN used it to find out what members think of the blog. A library is using it to evaluate public computer training. Libraries have used to survey employee satisfaction, for system-wide hours changes, and for user satisfaction surveys. If you can think of it, we can help you make it happen.

We are pleased to be able to offer members unlimited free online surveys.

Simply contact NEFLIN (904-278-5620) to begin the process.

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