Do you need training that's convenient for your schedule? Do you have an area of interest that you'd love to know more about?
NEFLIN offers LE@D - Lifelong Education @ Desktop - online continuing education courses through the University of North Texas. These high-quality, Internet-delivered, on demand, self paced CE courses provide on your desktop professional development opportunities to librarians and library staff and they're FREE as part of your NEFLIN membership.
This week's featured course:
Providing Excellent Customer Service in a Multicultural Environment
Serving diverse and multicultural customers is an exciting and challenging part of working in libraries today. But it also presents situations that may be new and unsettling for you. This course will help you begin to understand people with different cultural experiences and will give you some guidelines to help you serve multicultural customers. You will be introduced to the basics of how diversity and culture impact your understanding of and response to your multicultural customers. Staff completing this course will be able to:
- Understand the perspectives that people from different cultures bring to the library experience and to customer service.
- Understand how cultural differences impact customer service.
- Apply a number of basic strategies and communication skills to work effectively with multicultural customers.

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